A Letter to Mrs. Ghomeshi

Dear Mrs. Ghomeshi,

We’ve never met, but I saw your picture the other day of you walking into Old City Hall where your son stands trial and I thought I’d say hello.

How are you?

Exhausted no doubt. I don’t really know your son, beyond some Art Gallery dinner we shared a table at. Of course I knew his voice from Q when he was host, and I think I actually saw him on stage in the Moxy Fruvous days one time in Halifax when I was in undergrad. None of that matters.

What matters is that as a mother, I really wonder how you are.

Mother to Mother

 Are you’re taking care of yourself? Is there someone you confide in? Are in your therapy?

I really don’t know what I would do in this situation. If my son were accused and standing trail, would I stand behind him, no matter what? What kind of a mother would I be if I didn’t?

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